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Built with Rusts Rocket framework. Deployed on Fly.io. Using SurrealDB backend.

Owner of A. Life Photography

Alex Life

Me in Southern WV

Check out more about me if you want.

Some of my projects ordered from newest to oldest.

Abstractorall Landing Page

Landing page for the Abstractorall App


Flutter app for Title Abstracting work

Liberty Street Church

Church site that I built in Python/Django

Cairo Outdoors

A small site for a local business that I frequent.

Rippling Waters Camp

Built for a campground in WV.

Student Data Warehouse

A project completed through an internship at WVUP.


FreeCell built with Java/GWT.

TimeSheet Appliction

TimeSheet built in C# .net core for a CS class.


Pokedex built in HTML, CSS, and vanilla JS.